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Our Story



Lazarus and Shauna Johnson moved to the city of Rockland in 2021 to Pastor at New Beginnings Church. 

Pastor Johnson was originally from Cherryfield, ME, but moved to York, SC. For three years in South Carolina, he served as the Outreach Director and taught Sunday School for the children, youth, and adults. Pastor Johnson also served as a sectional youth director in the South Carolina District. 

Pastor Johnson is a licensed minister with the United Pentecostal Church International. He currently serves on the youth committee of the Maine District. 

When Pastor Johnson and his wife first came to the city of Rockland there was such a burden put on them. God was calling them to the city of Rockland and they answered the call. 

The question that comes from Pastor Johnson and his wife is "Isn't it time for something new?" Life can be better. Life can be made new. It's time for the city of Rockland to be able to start over and have a new beginning. Leaving the past in the past, grabbing ahold of this moment and making a new start, with the slate being cleaned, and a new day beginning. 

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